You can return or request a change of your purchases, in 14 days after your delivery date of package, which are suitable for all conditions of return and change.

You can mention your request on the delivery note (letter of carriage).

If you receive a product different than given info, harmed or missing a part, you can return and request a change by the same shipping company, Yurtiçi Cargo, free of charge. If you use a different company for shipping, by payment request from our side, the return will be declined. Used or washed products will not be accepted.

If you receive a harmed package, it will be fasten the process when you keep the delivery officer with you during writing a return report, before you deliver the package. 

When our company receive your product, needed controls will be completed in 10 work days and in case the product fits all return conditions, your payment will be returned or change process will be applied according to your request.